Holiday Services Season – Call For Volunteers


With Halloween celebrated, attention turns to preparations for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  We here at People Helping People (PHP), are already very busy planning and recruiting volunteers to help those in need during these holidays.  However,  we cannot be successful without help from the community.

At Thanksgiving, PHP expands its regular biweekly food program services to distribute turkeys and all the fixings to approximately 250 low-income families and seniors.  To do this,we must use donations to supplement the 10,000 pounds of food we normally deliver the Tuesday prior to the holiday.  Each it is a struggle to meet the need at the holidays.  With a growing number of families being enrolled every quarter both here and at the county-wide Food Bank, there just aren’t enough turkeys to meet the need. Over the years we have been very fortunate to regularly receive donations from local schools, the Chumash Casino, and local individuals but there still are not enough.  It is truly heartbreaking to be the one to have to turn needy people away.

Eloisa Patterson, a People Helping People (PHP) employee, delivers some much needed donated turkeys at Mission Santa Ines just in time for the 2010 Thanksgiving food program.

We hope that this  year, by alerting the public to the need as early as possible, we can meet the demand.  Donations of turkeys and other traditional accompaniments can be made at the PHP Service Center at 545 North Alisal Road in Solvang.  Freezer and storage space are being donated by local businesses so we can begin taking donations immediately.  You may also contact Jenny at 686-0295 or to arrange a donation.

Even before Thanksgiving arrives, PHP must begin planning for our valley-wide Christmas program, Fulfill-A-Wish, now in its 17th season.  In the true spirit of Christmas, a large cast of our staff and volunteers distribute  toys, gifts and clothing to families throughout the area.

Although families must meet income qualifications to participate, the eligibility and distribution process is completed with the utmost sensitivity to and respect for the dignity of the families.  All items distributed at Fulfill-A-Wish are derived from donated materials or purchased with gifts specified for that purpose.  More than $20,000 in goods and fifty volunteers is needed to meet the most basic needs.  Last year, PHP’s Fulfill-A-Wish Program assisted more than 85 families, including nearly 300 children.

A mom selects a book as a gift at People Helping People’s 2010 Christmas Fulfill-A-Wish Program. Each year the program provides Christmas toys and gifts to needy families.

Nothing compares to the  overwhelming gratitude displayed by parents who are enabled to provide something on Christmas day for their kids and makes the tremendous organizational effort worthwhile.  It is a wonderful feeling to help so many celebrate who otherwise could not.

PHP will distribute Christmas gifts from the Fulfill-A-Wish “Boutique” , which will be decorated, stocked by volunteers and be ready for operation on December 19, 20, and 21.  On those days, selected families will be scheduled to visit the Boutique and choose a limited number of gifts based upon their family size.

To make donating to Fulfill-A-Wish convenient, gift wrapped donation boxes provided by PHP’s partner, “Toys for Tots,” will be available beginning in mid November throughout the Valley in businesses, churches, schools, and government offices.

You can support PHP’s Fulfill-A-Wish Program and help make this a happier holiday season for Valley families and especially children with a donation of a gift, wrapping paper, or cash; placement of a donation box in your business; or by volunteering time to fulfill Christmas wishes.  For additional information, you may contact Jenny Buenrostro at People Helping People at 686-0295 or










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