People Helping People is Now Accepting Vehicle Donations

Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People Accepting Car DonationsWe are pleased to announce a new program: “Donate Vehicles to make a Difference.” We will begin to accept direct donations of motor vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, etc.) effective immediately.  The vehicles need not be running and we will pay for towing, if necessary, if the organization accepts the donation.

While we may not be able to take every vehicle,  but if it can be put in operating condition for a reasonable cost or sold for parts, we will accept the donation and provide the donor with appropriate IRS tax receipt forms.

In the past, we would refer vehicle donors to another non-profit, who would take the vehicle, rehabilitate it, and sell it.  PHP would then receive a portion of the sales price if the donor designated PHP as the beneficiary.

Over the years a number of vehicles were donated in this way but most recently, the financial return to  has been quite small.  At the same time, our Chief Executive,Dean Palius,  was  fortunate to be approached by a local resident and fellow Rotary Club member about helping PHP to take vehicle donations.

Deans said that, “after a Rotary meeting a member approached me and explained that he wanted to help PHP financially. The best way he knew of to help was to use his skills in the repair and sales of vehicles that he had developed over the past thirty years in that business.”

A  partnership between PHP and the Rotarian was formed and we our  first car in December as a trial run.  It has worked extremely well resulting in a higher donation to PHP and very happy donor.

“The transaction was handled very efficiently” said Dean.  “Our volunteer picked up the vehicle, gave it some T.L.C., and sold it. PHP provided the donor with an appropriately completed I.R.S. Form 1098 to be filed with their 2011 tax return in order to claim their charitable gift tax deduction.  We couldn’t be happier with transaction and resulting valuable gift to our agency.”

If you are interested in donating a vehicle to PHP, contact Jordan Granite, PHP Development Associate, at 686-0295 or at You can also visit our Website at

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